
Blackwood Seven’s HamiltonAI is a SaaS platform for MMM and Unified Marketing Measurement that enables advertisers to plan and predict marketing investments in a volatile world.

Blackwood Seven


Are we spending too much or too little on media?
How do we quantify marketing’s contribution to top-line growth?
How do we measure the impact of competitor campaigns on our sales outcomes?
How do we balance marketing mix against business and brand targets?
What happens to our sales if we stop investing in brand advertising?
If we had an extra $1 million to invest, where should we put it, and what will the outcomes be?

Understand, optimise and predict media spend

across all channels with unified marketing measurement and optimisation.

Attribute marketing and media investments to sales


Generate optimised media plans to improve ROI

Quantify the business value of your brand

Hamilton AI

Blackwood Seven’s holistic marketing mix modelling platform identifies and predicts marketing effects. Using advanced mathematical techniques ideal for marketing analytics, Hamilton AI can understand the entire ecosystem of your media investment – the synergies between channels and the impact of external factors. There are models for sales (revenue, profit, customer acquisition), managing a portfolio of products/brands, customer retention, brand equity, and even the ability to quantify the strength of your creative. 

Hamilton AI’s predictive capabilities make it possible to generate actionable, optimised media and marketing plans on the fly, using a platform anyone on the team can drive.

What is your objective?


Quantify the effect of your media investments and marketing activities across all channels. With the new Total Marketing ROI model (TM ROI), you can even measure the indirect impact of brand on all media activity individually.


Understand the internal and external factors that impacts churn and how to use marketing resources to prevent it.


Identify the drivers of your brand value and quantify the impact of each positive and negative driver. Learn more about Brand Measurement.

Model the ecosystem of effetsd

With an AI-based core using advanced mathematical techniques ideal for media analytics, Blackwood Seven can understand the entire ecosystem of your media investment – the synergies between channels and the impact of external factors – and provide easy-to-understand prescriptive analytics on how to invest media to drive improved outcomes. 

With an almost frightening level of predictive accuracy.



With an AI-based core using advanced

mathematical techniques ideal for media analytics, Blackwood Seven can understand the entire ecosystem of your media investment – the synergies between channels and the impact of external factors – and provide easy-to-understand prescriptive analytics on how to invest media to drive improved outcomes. 

With an almost frightening level of predictive accuracy.

It’s all accessible in a platform that updates with new data and refits the model when things change, ideal for dynamic market situations.

Looking for modern MMM?

Download a Blackwood Seven case study and a white paper about Total Media Modelling